アクティビティ Activity

Goshikinuma Guide Walk 

Goshikinuma Guide Walk 

Urabandai Spring / Summer / Autumn Nature

Experience one Michelin star! Mysterious Goshikinuma Guide Walk

The tour will guide you to Goshiki-numa, one of the most popular tourist spots in Urabandai and a place of dignified beauty with detailed explanations.
As you walk around the pond, listening to the wildlife and birds, you will see the beautiful Goshiki-numa.
Feel the dynamism of Goshiki-numa, which was formed by the eruption of Mount Bandai 130 years ago.
Goshikinuma area was ravaged by the eruption and was planted by enthusiastic people, and the land has been reforested for the next 100 years. It has made a big revival in the past five years. Please feel the flow of the history of Urabandai.

[5 attractions]
① Feel the dynamism of Goshikinuma and Urabandai from the eruption of Mount Bandai in Meiji 21!
② The guide carefully escorts the attractive Goshikinuma route throughout the seasons
③ A route rich in nature where you can feel the signs of wild animals and the voices of wild birds
④ Goshikinuma is beautiful enough to breathe in
⑤ A fascinating route that won one star in the Michelin Green Guide

【Implementation period】
Morning section: Late July to early September * Summer vacation only
Afternoon section from mid-April to early December

In the morning, Yanaginuma to Bishamonuma (4.5 km firmly course) Physical fitness level: ★★ ☆☆☆
09:30 Meeting and reception at Natural Biz Activity Station in Urabandai Lake Resort
09:45 Start of program
12:00 End / Dissolution

Afternoon Yanaginuma-Bentenuma (round trip 2.5km relaxed course) Physical fitness level: ★ ☆☆☆☆
14:30 Meeting and reception at Natural Biz Activity Station in Urabandai Lake Resort
14:45 Program implementation
16:15 End / Dissolution

名称 Goshikinuma Guide Walk 
実施会社 Natural Biz(Asobi Consultants Co., Ltd.)
集合場所 Urabandai Lake Resort
Natural Biz Activity station
Yudairayama 1171-1 Hibara, Yama Gun Kitashiobara Mura, Fukushima Ken 969-2701, Japan
アクセス 5 minutes from the main hotel in Urabandai

[By car]
Banetsu Expressway from Inawashiro / Bandai Kogen Interchange via Route 115
National Route 459 (25 minutes)

[By train]
JR Banetsu West Line Get off at Inawashiro Station-Route bus (Bandai Toto Bus)
Take the direction towards Urabandai Kogen Station-Get off at Urabandai Kogen Station (3-minute walk)

During summer vacation, you can use the shuttle buses around major hotels for free.
TEL +81 90-7798-1184 



We will guide you through the fascinating route that won one star with the Michelin Green Guide.
There are two plans for the morning section (limited to the summer vacation period) for those who want to go through all the swamps, and the easy afternoon section for everyone to participate.












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